Zenso Wearable Helps Reduce Your Stress glassninja·November 20Meet the Zenso: a smart wearable technology that uses HRV and CBT to reduce your stress. It comes...Health & Medical·0 Comments·0
Everysight Raptor Eyewear for Cyclists glassninja·November 18Meet the Everysight Raptor: an upcoming digitally enhanced eyewear for cycling enthusiasts. It comes with an unobtrusive display...OutdoorsSmart Glasses·0 Comments·0
Femometer: Smart Fertility Tracker glassninja·November 18Meet Femometer: a smart basal body thermometer that syncs to your phone and tracks your cycle. It also...Health & MedicalMobile Goodies·0 Comments·0
BSXinsight Monitors How Hard Your Muscles Are Working glassninja·November 11Meet BSXinsight: a smart wearable system that monitors how hard your muscles are working and provides you with...Fitness TrackersHealth & Medical·0 Comments·1
Pip-Boy Watch Face for Apple Watch glassninja·November 3The Apple Watch software has come a long way since the device was launched a while back. The...Apps & Hacks·0 Comments·0
Eyecatcher: Smart Bracelet w/ E-ink Display glassninja·October 6Meet the Eyecatcher: a smart bracelet with an E-ink display that helps you keep up with your messages...Mobile Goodies·0 Comments·0
SMRT Mouth: Smart Mouth Guard for Athletes glassninja·September 15Meet the SMRT Mouth: a smart mouth guard that monitors your biometric data, allowing you and your coach...Fitness TrackersHealth & Medical·0 Comments·0